Monday, 10 December 2012

#8 Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Launched!

Hello Babe,

We have launched out #8 Jingle Bell Jingle Bell collection!
Shop Here!
We have some issue with our blogger .
Please bear with us, kindly view our facebook for the lastest collection.
Sorry for the inconveniences caused.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Love.PrettyPlus Looking For Plus Size Model & Lucky Give Away!


Love.PrettyPlus is back looking for  plus-size models for 2 events is now on!

If you have what it takes to be a model and fulfill our requirements.
Feel free to sent in your application with the require information in the poster above


If you think that all?

We are having a lucky give away to 3 lucky winner.
No min purchase or any purchase require.
We are just giving out any 3 outfit to the lucky winner!
Hurry share our photos on facebook and be the lucky winner!

Like us on facebook!



Thursday, 1 November 2012

Our Surprise at the flea!

Dear Babes,

Guess what is coming up for the flea this weekend! Woo-hoooo!
You get to pick you discount balls with you lucky hand!!
*Terms and conditions applied*

Date: 3rd November 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 12pm-7pm
We hope to see you there!
Don't miss out the good deals!!

Monday, 29 October 2012

Add us to you interest list on facebook!

Do you know that facebook have recently made some changes!
You now can add us to you interest list to get exclusive update!
You do not want to miss any yummlicious updates from us right?
So hurry, add us to you interest list now!


Sunday, 28 October 2012

Love.PrettyPlus going to beer market flea!

Good Morning Babes, Hope that you having a great monday!
*Shoo away all the monday blues*
Love.PrettyPlus is pleased to announced that we are going to our 1st flea this saturday!
Date: 3rd November 2012 (This coming saturday)
Timing: 12pm-7pm
It's located at Beer Market @ Clarke Quay
*Just Next to taxi stand and shanghai dolly*
We hope to see you there!
What you can expect from this flea is discount discount & discount!
More importantly you will be able to decide you discount by your own hand!
hehehe, more will be reveal soon later in the day!
Mark the date and we will see you there and good luck!
Email Us @ if you have any enquires!
Love.PrettyPlus-Plus Size Fashion

Friday, 26 October 2012

2 Ways of Shopping @ Love.PrettyPlus

Dear Babes,

Hope that all of you are having a good day!
Just a quick entry!

Do you know there are two ways to shop @ Love.PrettyPlus (Plus Size Fashion).

1) You can confirm you purchase online and we will mailed to you.
*Good new, we are giving away not only free mails, but registered mail to our customers with any purchase*

2) You can always arrange for a free trying session with us to try out our clothes just like any boutique. *Click Our Review*
*Yep, you heard us, its free trying session from a plus size online shop*

P.S. Many customer ask, why are you willing to let us try? It's so time consuming for you!
Xindy's Answer: I'm a plus-size myself therefore i understand the woes of buying clothes online, the anticipation of the clothes arriving like Christmas gift, but at the end of the day it doesn't fits us (No matter how i measure it)..
By trying our clothes, you can feel the cutting or pattern on each lady body and you can feel for yourself:) & Feel our sincere and quality that amaze you!

{Why are you waiting for now! Shop with us!}

Feel free to email us @ for any enquires!


Thursday, 25 October 2012

#7 Causal Date

Dear Ladies,

We have launched our #7 Collection!
We have attached the photos in the email!
Do check ladies!
We have also improve on our sizing! We have bottom from Uk 16/Uk18/Uk18!
We added Jeans Short & School Girl Outfit as well!
And also if you have enquiry about our clothing sizes, do let me know.
I will be happy to help.
And Babes, if you fancy any clothing, we provide extra service for trying without any extra charges yah!

Do Email Us @